Boroughloch Medical Practice

Community services

Boroughloch Medical Practice provides a wide range of advice on treatments and health care. But did you know that there are a lot of other expert health services that you can access without seeing your GP first?

Edinburgh CommunityTreatment and Care Services (CTACS)

Patients can self-refer to Edinburgh CTACS for:

    • Ear irrigation or pre audiology appointment check;
    • Removal of sutures and clips including post knee and hip replacement;
    • Doppler (ABPI) testing automated;
    • Wound care all types (except wounds caused by injury who should be seen at the minor injuries assessment service in the first instance).

Please ring the patient focused booking line on 0131 537 7205. Further information is available here.

Some community services resources:
Get the right care in the right place, an at a glance guide from NHS24 A guide to NHS Scotland Services, a detailed guide of NHS Scotland Services Our dedicated page on support for Mental Health and Wellbeing

If you think you need A&E but it’s not life threatening, call NHS 24 on 111.

If you need same day medical attention that cannot wait for your GP Practice to reopen, call NHS 24 on 111.