Boroughloch Medical Practice

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Our staff

Medical Staff

Dr Wasim Haider
Dr Tashya Abhayaratna
Dr Agnes Ben-Kanu
Dr Kiran Sana
Dr John Magill

Practice Nurse
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Community Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner
Advanced Mental Health Pharmacist

Patient Care Team

Patient Care Advisors
Health Care Assistant
Business Manager
Assistant Practice Manager

GP Registrars in Training

Our practice is approved to train fully qualified doctors who wish to specialise in general practice. Our GP registrar will have had 2-4 years of experience as a qualified hospital doctor working in various specialities. They consult patients on their own, under the mentorship of our trainer. Occasionally we ask permission to video a consultation. You will always be asked in advance and are given the option not to take part, and this will not affect your care in any way. No recording will be taken without your consent and the camera will be switched off on request. These videos are used only for educational purposes with the doctor doing the consultation and are destroyed after use.